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2023 Spring Pilot Study


Automatic Dickcissel night flight call recording stations operated at

Rio Hondo High School, Harlingen High School South, Donna High School, and the Alamo Inn B&B


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Solar powered equipment tested at the Donna and Harlingen high schools



   Microphones at Donna High School (left) and Harlingen High School South (right)



Presentations about the project given to six high school classes


 Presentation at Donna High School



The audio recording stations at Rio Hondo High School and Harlingen High School South each logged more than 10,000 Dickcissel night flight call 

detections during the 14 nights from April 28 and May 11. The graph shows strong correlation in the nightly variance of calling activity (r = 0.88). 

 Hourly co-variance can be seen here.



Click on the spectrogram above to hear a segment of the incredible aggregation of night migrating birds

that occurred over Harlingen High School South just before midnight on April 28th.



Tested online display of Dickcissel nocturnal flight call detections as they happened (in near real-time) via Vesper open source software


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