
Eastern North America acoustic monitoring transect

Week of 9-16 September 2012

Total warbler and sparrow night flight calls recorded during the week

Species data

American Redstart   Black-and-white Warbler   Black-throated Blue Warbler   Canada Warbler   Cape May Warbler   Common Yellowthroat   Chestnut-sided Warbler   Hooded Warbler   Lincoln's Swamp complex   Mourning Warbler   Northern Parula   Ovenbird   Savannah Sparrow   Wilson's Warbler   White-throated Sparrow   "Zeep" complex"   "Double up" complex

The data consist of the ratios of the total calls of a species category to all warbler and sparrow calls recorded at a station during the week - note that the y-axis has variable scale. Species data are preliminary classifications. Refinement of data may occur and will be indicated by updated dates on graphs. Graphs without dates were published on September 17, 2012.

For an example of interpreting these data, if one were listening to avian night flight calls in western Massachusetts this past week, the data presented suggests that one would have been nearly ten times more likely to hear a Parula Warbler night flight call than someone listening in north-central Indiana (see Northern Parula).

Flight calls and more information about each station are accessible from the Daily data page