
An argument for a universal symbol for wild bird memorials

for the tragedy of wild bird fatalities,

deaths and mortal wounds from incidental man-made causes

such as being struck by automobile or by window collision

or from senseless shooting.


Millions of years of evolution could not prepare wild birds

for this last hundred of human technological & population growth.

With spirits inharmoniously dispatched, long-wrought forms

now lay fallen until scavenged instead of perfected by natural order.


For personal sadness felt, Self realization glimpsed, and inspiration gained

from finding a creature thus perished


The shape is a large circle holding two smaller circles below, with a thick long piece connecting them. The design can be constructed from commonly found materials such as branches and vines (see also aluminum can design). Such a memorial symbol was hung in a tree in Quintana Roo, Mexico where a Squirrel or Cinnamon Cuckoo, whose scientific name is currently Piaya cayana, had lived. Several observers had admired the bird for three days at close range along a roadside south of Cancun (across from the Azul Beach Hotel) before it was found dead from an apparent automobile strike. A receptionist at the hotel named Beatriz suggested making a memorial for the bird. The memorial symbol noted above was constructed out of aluminum cans as an educational process for the children present, and the next morning a small group of kids and adults attended a ceremony for the bird. But as the memorial was hung in a tree near where the bird had been killed, remains of another Piaya cayana were seen on the ground directly below (a death apparently from natural causes). Then, as the attending group returned to the hotel, another Piaya cayana flew by and struck a window of the hotel right in front of everyone. The bird was momentarily stunned on a ledge and people stood staring in awe and disbelief. These coincidences around Piaya cayana cascaded into this idea for a universal wild bird memorial symbol.

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